Situated in the heart of the city of Norwich at Town Close School, 14 Ipswich Road, NR2 2LR
Taking place on Thursday evenings.
ADULT GROUP 8pm-10pm
Affondo fencing club is a lively and inclusive club that is run by a group of experienced coaches that offer lessons and training for beginners through to international athletes. Fencing is a sport for all ages, it is an exciting duelling sport that encourages tactical thinking as well as improving social skills and fitness. Its long history means that it traditionally upholds the values of respect, good manners and good sportsmanship. Fencers can enjoy the sport at a recreational level or progress to compete at a regional, national or international standard level.

JOYCE RYDER 07563 526176 joyceryder@talktalk.net
JULIE HENSON 07554 219237 henson.jules@outlook.com
We are a three weapon club ( Foil, Epee & Sabre). The clubs qualified coaches are available to give lessons during the evening.
The clubs is run by Margaret and Joyce who are qualified coaches. Our welfare officers and first aiders are Joyce and Julie.